Speaker Biography

Dr Amberly Burger

Dr Amberly Burger, MD, MMM Beacon Health System, Indiana, USA

Title: Matters of the Heart: Palliative Care Interventions for Patients with Heart Failure

Dr Amberly Burger

Dr. Amberly Burger is passionate about caring for patients suffering from serious illnesses.  She has developed two successful palliative care programs in Indiana.  Besides working as the Medical Director of Palliative Care Services, she is the Chair of the Ethics Committee at Elkhart General Hospital in Elkhart, Indiana, USA.  She enjoys teaching professionals the beauty of palliative care and aggressive support for patients.  Currently she is a speaker at Notre Dame University and teaches medical students.  Her favorite saying is, “Ask forgiveness, not permission.”


For most clinicians in the United States, Palliative Care means hospice.   As such, most procedure subspecialties have not referred to this service.  A shift occurred when hospitals became financially responsible for readmissions. A common cause of readmissions to acute care settings is the diagnosis of heart failure which cost hospitals several thousand dollars each readmission. These patients suffer from systemic symptoms such as depression, anxiety, insomnia, and dyspnea, etc. Palliative care interventions have been shown to improve these symptoms and the quality of life for these patients while discussing with the patient their goals.  Currently, Cardiology Guidelines encourage the use of a palliative care team to support patients’ and their families who suffer from severe heart failure and its effects.  In some cases, this intervention decreases readmissions to the acute care.  As hospitals have increased interest in readmission and mortality data, there will be a shift to increasing the need for Primary Palliative Care and Specialty Palliative Care.  This presentation focuses on interventions for patients with CHF to improve their quality of life.